Lately I've...
* Gone to a few awesome Christmas parties --one at a friend's studio, and one for #secretsantaguelph, which is a holiday secret santa event that started on Twitter. My swap person Dan, enjoyed the bag of goodies I crafted up for him, including a squishy cat toy for his kitty Elliot, a batch of home made chai tea mix, a hand drawn "King of Stats" mug (he's a statistics professor) and some gluten free Christmas cookies that I snagged from a craft sale. I tried out the Beautiful mess tutorial for using a Sharpie on a mug and baking it, and it seemed to work pretty well!
* Got my lovely giveaway package from Mel in the mail....such awesome crafty goodness, and she sent a bonus pin in the package that I just love and am wearing on my winter coat to fancy it up
* I've been knitting up a storm for some store merchandise for Grey Rock..I just need to stop falling asleep at 9pm to get things done faster.
* I tried to buy a new couch (for a super bargain price) but the darn thing didn't fit in the door! Very disappointed by that.
* Went to an awesome local craft swap, and swapped for gorgeous necklace and earring sets, bags, hats and other treasures for Christmas gifts. I also got a few custom orders to work on --a chef apron and some jewellery rolls. I really must do more crafty bartering!
*Discovered that my neighbour is also an Etsy seller...by her joining my Etsy team online. Small world, right?
* Been trying to clean up my disaster of an apartment. Having all the jobs + both Zen and I being in school = dishes and laundry and stuff mountains everywhere
* Finished my last paper on Friday night..at 3am. Don't feel badly for me, I was watching many terrible episodes of Vampire Diaries while I was writing it.
* Went to two craft shows on the weekend in addition to the swap, and saw lots of crafty people and things. I'm so inspired to get crafting! I hit the Stitch and Kitsch show on Saturday and the Creative Spark Market on Sunday --check out the sites for some vicarious crafty goodness
*I'm thinking about all the Christmas decorations I want to put up..including how my advent calendar bear quilt is about 11 days late getting put up.
* I have the entire Christmas week off! So excited to get to relax a bit! I hope to do lots of sitting around and eating and drinking.
What have you been up to lately?
♥ Craftzilla
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