I've been knitting some new socks of late from Knit Socks!: 17 Classic Patterns for Cozy Feet
I'm really enjoying the yarn I'm using also, which is a self striping bamboo yarn that I picked up at the Knitter's Fair in Kitchener last year.
It also feels really fulfilling to be able to knit more than a few rows at a time! I've been dealing with some evil repetitive strain-ness in my wrists and forearms for close to 10 months, and I'm *just* starting to really get better and not have to get everyone to carry things for me, use a talk to text program to type anything, and generally just sit around icing/heating my arms a lot/ So yeah, a nice change to just relax and knit me some fancy socks instead!
In other news, the boy got me a cookie from the grand opening of the West End Bakery. It is super cute and made me smile.Also it was tasty. Nom.
As did cutie dog Jesse, who is feeling better after being pretty sick of late...silly pup, eating bad things like coffee grounds from the green waste. *waggles finger*
Other cute things include making my magic wand from Brownie camp into a plant stake for my Christmas cactus--it looks pretty festive, no?
Back to watching Hoodwinked for me (boy had never seen it and we were in the mood for something cute and entertaining, especially after attempting to watch (500 Days) of Summer and having to turn it off)
Anyways, hoping to get to some garage sales tomorrow morning, so off to finish my movie and to beds!
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