Given the busy and the stress of everything lately, I've been having trouble giving thanks.
I've been having trouble getting through the days without wishing they were already over, and that everyone would go away and allow me to be a hermit by myself and stop making demands on my time.
I've been having trouble not dwelling on all the things I can't do right now, due to lack of money, lack of time and not being at the right place in my life, right this minute.
So I think today's linkup party is the perfect time for me to spin all these thoughts around and accentuate the positive. ( have you ever heard this song? I have it totally stuck in my head now!)
So here it is, my laundry list of things I'm thankful for right at this moment:
I'm thankful.....
....that I made the decision to go back to school, and to leave my job at the end of August to be able to finish my prerequisite courses in time to start my program in January. I'm feeling crazy at the moment, but things will get better, and I'll be doing something I really want to do, and I'm still managing to get really good marks:)
...that I have such a great boyfriend and puppy to come home to at the end of each day. And that somehow we still all like each other
...that I'm managing to make ends meet so far this semester, and that I haven't had to borrow any more money to do it
...that my parents lent me that tuition for school
..that I'm still finding a bit of time for crafting, and that some people are starting to come to my Etsy shop. It's fun to make things for people --and better still to get paid to craft!
... that I have such great friends here ( I was a bit worried when I moved here!) and that I've made so many others through blogging and Twitter
....for my 20% discount at work...yay for more craft supplies for your buck!
...and most of all for my little spaces on the internet, in particular my little blog, for being a place to go to when I'm happy and inspired and for a bit of a helping hand when I'm feeling down

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