Aug 9, 2011

Five Things that give me the Shivers

Do you have those things that you encounter that you run screaming from or avoid at all costs (aside from some more obvious things, like people describing their latest surgery step by step)? Here is a quick list of y shiver inducing things

[*WARNING*  This list is not meant for the purposes of evil]

1. Touching cotton balls, especially when you have to pull a wad of cotton out of a new bottle of ibuprofen

 [ Look I'm not the only one: here  and here ] Apparently the fear of cotton is called : Bambakophobia--weird!

2. The feel of cornstarch in a bag --this feels wrong to me  (same with icing sugar!)

 3.  The sound of a fork scraping on a plate

4. The sound of someone dragging/shuffling their feet --this gives me sidewalk rage, as I powerwalk by them and give them my best "Pick up your feet!" Mom glare


5. The sound of someone grinding their teeth in their sleep. Anyone ever slept next to a tooth grinder? It's like someone scraping 45 simultaneous plates with 45 super sharp forks. I ended up buying Zen a mouth guard when I just couldn't take it any longer and hadn't slept for weeks. Best money spent ever.


What sounds/things make you run screaming from the room? I'd love to hear some of your crazy!

♥ Craftzilla


  1. I can't deal wit bristles. They're so gross.

    also silicone. It's creepy.

  2. I laughed at number 4! I don't glare, I tell em to pic up there feet. I've done it a dozen or so times in my life to complete strangers! LOL.
    Thanks for the post. Can't think of anything that bugs me like silicone or cotton balls but foot draggers really get my goat!

  3. @Tess

    Yup those are also gross things! Why they gotta exist, being all gross?


  4. @Fredo HAHAHA glad that someone is off telling all the foot draggers off for their evil ways!



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