Jun 2, 2011

Year end of Brownies - Pleasing things must come to an end

It was the last night of Brownies the other night and it was sorta sad to think that I won't see some of the girls again. It's been an interesting year, full of growth and fun and activities for all of us, and I'm sad to see it come to an end. One of the girls brought me the flower above as a thank you gift, which was super sweet of her :) Note how the thank  you card is decorated with 4-leaf clover stickers--this is because my Brownie leader name is Clover (our group uses nature names instead of the usual Brown Owl/Snowy Owl business)

 Here are some of my badges from the year for camps and such. This weekend is Brownie Magic Camp which should be super fun, providing we don't roast/freeze/get eaten by bugs. See, that's me, always the eternal optimist! Speaking of camp, I so much  laundry/packing yet to do for it, but expect some photos from camp plus some thoughts on the importantance of organziations like Girl Guides (and for more than just their tasty tasty cookies) Although who doesn't love the mint ones? Yum!


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