Jan 5, 2015

January Cure: Create a Project List

I am ashamed to admit how many of the items on my January Cure project list were on the list last year when I attempted to do the Cure. I'm hoping for more success this year, and more things crossed off the list. Overall, I'm hoping to get a more organized apartment out of this process, as well as a place that's more inviting and comfortable to live in. It's not too late to join, so if you want to start the new year out on the right foot, click on over and join in the fun. Without further ado, here's my list!

Purge and organize closet
Put up curtains
Try to find something to use as nightstands
Put up pictures

Declutter and organize cabinet under sink
Organize linen cupboard
Replace temporary labels for containers with permanent ones
Get rid of all the newspapers stacked everywhere

Declutter coat rack
Put away everything on the stairs
Need a landing area for keys, mittens etc.
Organize and purge clothes in the dresser

My Office
Put together shelf
Organize bookshelf
Organize the closet
Arrange and organize my desk

Put away chairs
Get rid of extra stuff on the balcony

Organize cupboards and drawers
Declutter surfaces
Organize shelves and items in the pantry cupboard

Storage Room 
Purge Purge Purge. This room is where all the random bits go
Organize Organize Organize
Maybe buy a shelf?

Living/Dining Room
Purge all the newspapers stacked everywhere
Organize Bookshelf
Put up curtains
Declutter all surfaces

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