Jan 12, 2013

Lately...Knits, Crafty Stuff and Getting Back into the Swing of Things

Lately I  :

...got this fun package full of knitting patterns from my mom. I'd picked out some I'd wanted to copy but ran out of time to do so during my last visit. I'm excited to get knitting some new mittens!

... am getting back into the swing of things after being off for a few weeks..trying to wrap my head around all the things I have to do for my placement, school and work in the coming months. I think I need about 800 different lists to keep track of it all.

...was back at Brownies for my first meeting! I got asked who's mom I was about four times and received one hug from one kid who decided that would warm me up (it sure was cold in the gym!)  Ate popcorn and watched some of Diary of a Wimpy Kid with the kids- super fun!

...finished up some new knits for sale at a local shop (hat modeled by Beth, one of the owners)
  ....worked on a picnic bag carrier to go along a custom picnic blanket order in my shop. I'm pretty pleased with how this turned out!

.... sold my first set of these cute pin sets in my shop - there are some more available if you need a cute heart pin for Valentines Day.

... started sitting on a cultural board for the city. I went to my first meeting this week, and am hoping to be involved in some cool things this year (and have a reason for attending all the cultural events I already do)

...have been feeling a bit sad - my grandma's at that point of her battle with cancer where it's winning. In case you had forgotten,  cancer sucks. I'm hoping to get up there for a visit very soon to see her.

...could use a new robot foot. I think I've done something to a tendon or something in my foot, and walking has been a bit ouchy. I ordered some new shoes and am trying to rest up, stretch and wear some comfy shoes, so hopefully it starts feeling better soon.

What have you been up to lately? I'd love to catch up!

♥ Craftzilla 

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