Jul 5, 2012

Snippets of my Week

Photo from @hulkinapuddle
Dear blog,

I'm sorry I've been neglecting you, but I have no internet at our new place yet (and apparently won't for another week, boo)  and our move took FIVE  DAYS, hours of moving and I am still recovering and unpacking, and can't find anything useful, like my camera or memory cards for my camera. Hopefully this will all change soon so I can do some awesome posts and make up for my sorry absence in this space of late.

Here`s a quick update on some things that have been going on of late though:

1) I sewed some gigantic pieces of vinyl together to make the  movie screen shown in the picture above for a local Twitter friend, @hulkinapuddle. This thing is like 6 or 7 feet by 17 feet. Wouldn`t you love to be his kids and get to watch backyard movies on this screen? I know I would!

2) Picnic blankets..still trucking away on lots of orders for these

3) Trying to get rid of stuff--oh my, this is harder than I'd thought it would be, but a necessity given the lack of a storage room in our new place and the lack of desire to move all of this stuff again

4) Finishing up my summer class--as of June 30th after handing in my final project, I'm free for two glorious months with no school! yay!

5) For the above project, I put on a fun community speaking event with my friend Mary, as a part of a cultural mapping project going on in my city. It was a ton of fun and I think a great success. All of the talks were videotaped, and the videos just went up today on the Ignite Culture Guelph blog , There are even a few crafty ones, like the talk by my awesome friend Angela about the awesomeness of knitting and community.

6) Project 1 is wrapping up over on the ApockyCAL blog, and Project 2 has just kicked off . This one should be an exciting project--we'll be knitting some socks! 

♥ Craftzilla 

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