Apr 28, 2012

Featured Sponsor: Meet Kelly from Living Apocklypse

Today I also have for you an interview from one of my amazing sponsors, Kelly from Living Apocklypse, to share some of her crafty loves and inspiration! 

Hey y'all! I'm Pocky and I blog at a little space called Living Apockylypse, where I share my fairy tale adventures of life in the Wonderful house & chase after my crafty dreams. Right now I spend each day overcoming the zombie obstacles, but the one thing that keeps me going when choas ensues is knowing that I'm one step closer to my dream at the end of the day. Of course I would have given up long ago if it wasn't for Mr. Wonderful and our 2 loving pups, giving me all the love and encouragement I need at the end of the day.

Who are your greatest crafty inspirations? 

Well, being surrounded by a family full of crafty & creative people, I would have to say that they are all a huge inspiration. I'm not saying it because it's the easy, cheesy answer. Momma Bear is a huge inspiration with my crafty business because she's done the same thing for herself, I just want to do more online than travelling to craft fairs (at least at this time in life). My SIL is an amazing artist that is always inspiring me with her latest projects, for school and for fun. 

If I had to give a less cheesy answer, I would have to say that Norah Gaughan is one of my biggest inspirations. Not only are her knitting patterns to die for, but I love how she uses nature to inspire some of the gorgeous designs that make me swoon. It reminds me to keep looking all around for inspiration, because beauty is everywhere!

What is the first craft you remember doing? 

Cross stitch. My Mimmy first taught me by drawing X's on some plain white fabric (my first attempt at designing was at such a young age ). Momma Bear later taught me how to follow patterns and use the fabric meant for cross stitch.

What are your latest goals you're working towards?

Well, I had a list of some big blog goals to work on this month...but that flew out the window with my latest funk. Luckily I came out of that funk with big ideas and vision for what I really want Living Apockylypse to become. So now my new list of goals is all about morphing the actual blog into my vision, one step at a time. First thing is some cleaning up behind the scenes (organization has been on my mind a lot lately). After I get all of that figure out, then the fun begins...designing! I'm hoping to have the new Living Apockylypse live by the end of summer. All depends on how long the clean up takes.

What blogs are you loving right now?

Oh goodness, there are so many I love...but having time to read them all is just not happening this month. Since I could list for days the blogs I'm loving right now, I'll stick with ones that I've made an extra effort to keep up on during all the chaos.
  • Gussy Sews all because this mini series is just what I needed.
  • EEF Etcetera because this series is exactly the things I need to think about when I work on the upcoming blog changes.
  • A is for Ampersand for more than just because Amy is super awesome, but because of posts like this that make me think she can read my mind.
  • Campfire Chic because Kam always has a great mix of crafts & great information.
  • Elf House Chronicles because Manda Jane is my bloggy bestie and on the days where we don't have a chance to chat, I can always go to her blog for a dose of sweet honesty. 
Favourite posts from April?

I have 4 favorite posts, not because I think they are the most amazing posts I've ever written but for the fact that these are some amazing moments/memories that have happened this month. 

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