Jesse had an adorable nap yesterday, and I managed to snap this photo of him with his eyes rolling back a bit and looking oh so sleepy:

I've also been working on a few things crafty wise--a friend gave me some doilies and I thought I'd try stretching one in an embroidery hoop to see what it looked like. Result-cute, though I think it needs something else (as well as to be finished)

I originally knit this as a cowl, with some twists in it, but it was just too wide and had too many twists, so I sewed a few seams on the sewing machine, held my breath and cut it. I zigzag stitched the edges, and voila, it's now a scarf. I just have to weave in the ends and block it, and it'll be ready to wear. I love these bright cotton yarns so much!

I also got this printed fabric panel awhile ago, and am getting ready to quilt the top of it--deciding whether to machine quilt it or quilt it by hand. I'm leaning towards by hand, just because I can't get enough of the adorable monkey. The boy loves monkeys and is a little bit wanting of a grown up duvet with a monkey on it too :P

I also made up a few simple flannel baby blankets too, since I'm trying to use up a bunch of my stash fabric, as well as finish a lot of projects I started ages ago.

So far, I'm making pretty good progress, but lots more to do, especially since my mom just sent me an awesome care package of fabric and crafty things that I'm looking forward to playing with. I may share some of the goodies she sent on here soon.
♥ Craftzilla
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