Feb 13, 2012

Overwhelming Week

I am feeling exactly like this lately. The need for more employment, a cleaning everything out project that has gotten out of hand (there is stuff in the middle of being organized everywhere) and trying to get everything done for school, the Etsy shop and every other thing going on right now is making me pretty darn tired and overwhelmed. Thank goodness next week is Reading Week! Although we may not get too much time to actually relax, as we are actually going on a little trip to Niagara Falls, courtesy of an awesome gift voucher that my parents gave us for Christmas! But I just wanted to pop in and let you all know I'm still around, just might be a little quieter in the next little while. So I'm get ready for Brownies tonight, but if you need a pick me up, there is always Whitney, which I've been listening to in order to prepare for a possible Skype karaoke memorial Whitney session sometime soon with a friend or two.

Enjoy the rest of your Monday!

♥ Craftzilla

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