Oct 28, 2011

Meet my October Sponsors + Button Swaps for November!

Please say hi to my October sponsors! I asked them to share their favourite thing or memory about Halloween in honour of this spooky month!

Sandi from Adalou Vintage

AdaLou (the blog) is my personal space where by I will share things I love! My love for vintage, art {illustration, design, photography, print and pattern}, home decor, motherhood & day to day life, what I wore, thrifted finds, updates for the shops, giveaways, tips and tricks, collections and random things I love. Overall it's my place for inspiration and I hope you'll find some while reading through my blog. 

Liesi from Too Crewel 

Favourite thing about Halloween 

My favorite way to celebrate halloween is to go to the pumpkin patch, and orchard. I like to pick apples, and eat and drink everything pumpkin & apple flavored. I'm obsessed!

Amanda from Elf House Chronicles



Tell me a bit about you/your blog/your shop/what makes you awesome

My blog is a hodge podge about everything - but mainly my life and the new direction it is headed. I have a newly blended family, including 4 step-kids. Every day is a new adventure and I have lots of fun stories I share. I talk about the good and bad days. I talk about things I love. I talk about my Etsy shop. But mainly I share the chaos of my life + 4 kids + 3 dogs + 1 fella! 

Mary from Bonjour Miss Mary 

Tell me a bit about you/your blog/your shop/what makes you awesome

My name is Mary from "Bonjour, Miss Mary."! I am a first year law student on the west coast and new blogger! I started blogging at the beginning of this summer to record my adventures in life including kitchen mishaps and achievements, crafting attempts, and techie reviews! When I am not blogging or studying contracts and torts, I am usually playing with my Scottie/Yorkie mix puppy named Atticus!
I also just launched an Etsy shop featuring soaps, vintage tins, coasters, and note cards! I am in the process of adding more things every month!!!

Claire from Polka Dot Pretties


Tell me a bit about you/your blog/your shop/what makes you awesome
Hi i am Claire; i am a SAHM to 4 beautiful girls under 10. We lie in the UK.
When i am not busy, running around with them, I like nothing better to sit at my sewing machine and create :)
I started teaching myself to sew last year, during a difficult pregnancy which left me “housebound”, not content with sitting and doing nothing, i watched and practised sewing; I also started blogging and talking about my sewing adventures. A year later i enrolled onto a “IndieBiz” course, which gave me the skills, confidence and information that I needed to start my own business, “Polkadot-Pretties” .
I recently had my first sale though my etsy shop.

Gillian from Building Bumps 


Tell me a bit about you/your blog/your shop/what makes you awesome

Hey! I'm Gillian from Building Bumps. I'm a part time photog, an any time (all the time) blogger, and a full time mom to one really hip little dude. We're building a big addition on our house to make room for our growing little fam, hence the name! You'll find bits and pieces of our reno randomly strewn about, along with heaps of baby goodness, great photography, the odd artsy moment, and random pieces of our silly little life out on the Canadian east coast... pop by for a visit!

Kelly From Embrace the Apocylypse

Tell me a bit about you/your blog/your shop/what makes you awesome

A geek-loving perfectionist's guide to take little AHA! moments and bring creativity to everyday life.

Halloween memory 
Growing up, my mom always made all my Halloween costumes (my first time in a costume store was just a few week ago...for serious!). I've got to say that while I loved all my awesome costumes growing up, I will never forget the year I was Pammy Panda from Shirt Tales! Not only was that costume one of my all-time favorite, I got to have my picture taken with my hero...E.T.! To this day, there has not been another Halloween memory to top that one.

Kami from Searching for Serendipity 


Tell me a bit about you/your blog/your shop/what makes you awesome

My name is Kami and I'm a tattooed and crafty mommy blogger. In my spare time (what little I have with a newborn!) I can be seen running around my house in dress up clothes, sometimes glue gunning my fingers together, and often hunched over my sewing machine madly creating new stuffies. I live to create, love to thrift, and hope to start my own home based business one day....stop by the blog and follow along on my adventures in parenthood, mothering, crafting, and gardening!

Angie from Artsy You

A lick

Tell me a bit about you/your blog/your shop/what makes you awesome
I am the mom of a beautiful little girl named Violet who is my Rainbow after a storm. I have been a stay at home mom for the past few months but prior to this I was Program Coordinator for an amazing art program called Art Sparks where I got to work directly with those with developmental disabilities. Having had the joy to work with people of all abilities, skill levels and ages I decided to create a Blog about everything artsy to share my love of art. I love making short lessons, activities and just finding amazing art on the internet to share with the world.

Favourite Halloween memory

I absolutely adore Halloween. Since I was a little kid Halloween has been one of my favorite times of year!
For me Halloween starts in September (or earlier lol) with the choosing and starting of the Halloween costumes. As a kid we usually needed to make up our minds about our costumes by the middle of September, being my mom ALWAYS made our costumes. As a bit of a gamer/comic geek I was a super hero a few times, I was on of the witches (with 2 of my friends) from Hocus Pocus one year, a vampire slayer and for my first big "Highschool Halloween party" I was a fairy (I looked HOT! LOL). As I got into University Halloween remained a big thing for me and I found friends that were equally excited! The bar we went to regularly ALWAYS had a big to do! I have been everything from Cyber Six to Kotoko from Chobits to a literal Fallen Angel! Warning: don't try to make scorch marks with fire on Polyester material... Lots of Flamage, but I did smell burnt and sooty all night so it worked! LOL. Also, this was the time we realized that oven mitts are NOT flame resistant!

Polly from Pixie Mama

I'm Polly. I live in the valleys of North Wales, where you can see the mountains and smell the meadows. I'm 30 years old and have been married to my love for 9 years. We live together with our 3 beautiful daughters. My heart in love with of nature, friends, family and fun.

I'm a full time, home-schooling mama. I'm incredibly blessed to spend my days with my 3 girls.  I'm passing on my love of art, the earth and music to my girls. We spend our days covered in glue and glitter, making the most of every single second of this amazing life.

Favourite Halloween memory 

My favourite halloween as a grown-up was last year. Our Nando’s was offering a free meal to anyone who went in a halloween outifit, so a couple of friends and I, plus all our Kiddos, dressed up and went for a free meal! We got some funny looks walking in a busy shopping centre in fancy dress in the middle of the day! But it was fun (and totally worth it!)

Miss Lou from Elousions

I'm Miss Lou, thanx for stopping by!

I'm 25, living in Puerto Rico with infused Spanish sangria on my genes (mother's side).
I'm a student of modern languages; parlo italiano, je parle français... of course también se habla español!

eLousions is almost 2 years old, with a new face and totally revamped I'm excited to be here and I'm not leaving! The blog sphere had friends to give me and I keep meeting more, I love being part of this community, sharing info, wisdom, and silly stuff. I love it when you guys share them too!! If you want to know more you can read My Blogging Story.

I usually write post about analog photography I have a decent camera collection, specially my ever growing Polaroid collection. On Friday's I choose something that I share in many forms. Don't miss What I wore, shop updates, everything and anything in between. Saturdays are for my thrifting scores and more

                         Erika from Rouge and Whimsy

                                                      {BLOG} {SHOP} {TWITTER}

Mary from Bonjour Miss Mary 

Tell me a bit about you/your blog/your shop/what makes you awesome

My name is Mary from "Bonjour, Miss Mary."! I am a first year law student on the west coast and new blogger! I started blogging at the beginning of this summer to record my adventures in life including kitchen mishaps and achievements, crafting attempts, and techie reviews! When I am not blogging or studying contracts and torts, I am usually playing with my Scottie/Yorkie mix puppy named Atticus!
I also just launched an Etsy shop featuring soaps, vintage tins, coasters, and note cards! I am in the process of adding more things every month!!!

Rachell from No Mark at All

 My name is Rachell. I live a little south of Seattle and I work a little north of it, full time as a baker/barista for a retirement home. When I'm not working (or traveling the 60 miles in between work and home), I take photos, I blog, and I eat and I play. I live with my boyfriend of 3 years, Dan and my daughter of 7 years, Eisling. Our three cats (Sushi, Bang Bang, and Laupha ) take up quite a bit of my time as well.
I keep myself busy. Really busy.  Spare time is sort of a silly phrase for me, because I'm always eager to get more done. I have photos to take, and books to read, and movies to watch, and albums to listen to, and recipes to try and places to go! On top of all that, I take care of my grandmother, I write this blog, and I just started my own small business. 

Faith from the Bartering Blogger

The Bartering Blogger is a place where bloggers can connect, link-up and swap anything from ad spots and digital goods and services to handmade items, home accessories, books, DVDs, kids stuff etc.

Other Lovely Sponsors: 

A Stylish Little Lady

Swaps for November! 

If you'd like to button swap with me for November, please send me an email or visit my sponsorship page!

♥ Craftzilla

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