Here's what you need:
-Cup hooks
-A piece of balsa wood (mine was 3/16 x 4" x 36" that I cut in half to make two 3/16 x 4' by 18" pieces)
-Sharp X-acto knife
-Self healing mat
-small wooden plaques
-Glue gun
- Sawtooth picture hanger (like this)
1) Measure the halfway mark on your balsa wood with your pencil and ruler (to roughly 3/16 by 4" by 18"
2) Cut the balsa wood in half with the X-Acto knife on your self healing mat. Balsa is easy to cut with just a knife blade, though if may take a few scores/passes. You may want to use your ruler for this as well.
3) Using your glue gun, glue on the wooden plaques where you want them on the front of the piece of balsa wood
4) Flip the wood over and glue your sawtooth picture hanger onto the top middle of the back
5) Flip the key rack back over and screw in the cup hooks at evenly spaced intervals. Again, balsa wood is very soft, so this is easy to do without having to drill holes.

6) Hang up and enjoy!

And here's the second one I made:

What do you think? I'm trying to decide if I should stain or paint the wood, or if I like them the way they are.
♥ Craftzilla
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